Saturday 26 October 2013

Little Things That Matter

Getting an unexpected call,
Finally,being able to shoot hoops at basketball!
Scoring the highest score on a video game,
Hearing an infant say your name!

Finding money in your old jean pocket,
Making last minute plans to go shopping to the market!
Getting a good grade on a test you expected to fail,
The joy of knowing the shoes you wanted,are finally on SALE!

Singing in the shower,
Dreaming of visiting the Eiffel Tower
Having fun being home alone,
On a hot summer day,eating an ice-cream cone!

Finally getting to see the movie you were dying to see,
Not to forget,after hours of controlling,the relief of finding a place to pee!!
Getting mobile network in isolated places,
The first time you tied your own shoe laces!

Passing chits in class while the teacher teaches,
Oh the thrill of going to beaches!
Times when you got high on nothing but water!
Times when you tried to talk in various accents, including hermoine's from harry potter  :P (It's leviosa not leviosar )

Little things do matter
These are memories you hold,that nobody can possibly shatter
Memories that overwhelm you and make you cry
Memories that make you laugh and those that make you sigh..........

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