Monday 25 May 2015

Just an opinion

So,not a topic I have much insight on . But still.

A friend asked me what kind of guys I tend to like.
That got me thinking for a while.
'Thinking',not about the guys I have liked before but instead about why liking somebody has to have specifications.

It's funny how people have a 'type';a category consisting of people with characteristics similar to the ideal person they like.
Maybe there is nothing ideal about the 'ideal' person. Maybe that ideal person is as unideal as any person can be!
I find beauty in that thought . Perfection in imperfection.

I personally have no specific taste in guys, Sure,I tend to fall for the occasional one sided smiles,green eyes,good sense of humour,deep voiced dudes but  that's not something I go hunting for. I prefer mystery here too. I think I would rather like someone who is comfortable being who they are,no matter who that is,than being someone they aren't.

I don't have an ideal model in mind
I don't strive to be one either.

And if you'll out there want someone to like you for the way you are,you need to start acting upon that,yourself! And maybe it'll be worth it! :)
So don't go hunting for that so called 'perfect' person. 'Cause
like I said- there's perfection in imperfection.

Till next time....Adios :D

Wednesday 25 June 2014

This innocence,it's brilliant!

It's been a while since i have posted anything.
Well better late than never,right?!

How many of you like kids?
I did.
Well you see,lately my fondness towards them has decreased,but still :P

You know the best thing about children?
It's their innocence! You know how one uses the metaphor 'bundle of joy' a lot? Well,i find kids to be fountains overflowing with innocence!! They are filled with unadulterated emotions and ideas!

I met this kid a while back. He is now 5 years old. He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3. He is a survivor! :D

He came over to my house one day. I was painting this butterfly on a piece of canvas. He looked at it with eyes filled with curiosity. He was intrigued by the patterns i was painting and the creature i was making.
He told me he liked butterflies.He told me he liked the way they flew and how pretty they looked.

I finished my painting later that day and showed it to him.I asked him to name the butterfly for me.

His reply amazed,rather,shocked me!
He said he wanted to name the butterfly 'scotch'!
I did not know how to respond for a second.My mind took a different route in comprehension on hearing the word 'scotch'.

After a while,i asked him why he had wanted to name the butterfly scotch.
His reply amazed me all the more!
He simply said -"Because then i can call it 'BUTTERSCOTCH'!"

I just smiled at him .No words i could have said would have possibly outdone the explanation he had given.

Even though he was smaller than me in age(Way smaller) he had a way of perceiving things with an ability greater than mine.

Imagine,if all of us had that innocence in us. 
Their's brilliant...too bad it does not stay.

Here's a picture of Butterscotch! :)

Till next time...Adios! :D

Saturday 26 April 2014

A Little Something I Made-3

What can one do in the middle of the night.....When struck with insomnia...And not to mention-Boredom?!!

A Great Perhaps!

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both"
-Robert Frost

Everyone,at some point of their lives,face such a situation.
Okay maybe not EXACTLY the same,but similar.

It's nerve wracking to take responsibility and make life decisions at times. And the fact that the rest of your life depends on this one choice of your's,does not make the task any easier.

You can compare it to a balloon,you know. 
You have all these plans,and stuff you think and dream of doing...things you want to achieve...they all add up to become this one giant balloon!!
But....the choice and the path you choose can make a difference to the state of that big balloon!
At times,the choice you make is like a sharp pin which can burst the balloon,in a second!
Sometimes your choice simply makes a tiny hole in the balloon.....and with time,your dreams and aspirations all deflate..
On a more delightful note though,the thing you choose can maybe even enable that balloon to fly high,like a hot air balloon..!!

But do you know what to do?! What's the correct way to go?

Maybe there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way.....

It's scary and exciting taking charge of your life.
There was the time when you were a care-free kid,running around your home,knocking over pots and pans...not a care in the world!
And then there's now: 
The present you,who is-
a)Freaked out.
b)Unaware of the future.
c)Suddenly dreading leaving the so called 'cocoon' you've been existing in. 
d)Afraid of oblivion.
e)Amazingly excited and ecstatic to see what lies in store for you anyway!

There's is something about the unknown that makes you want to know about it. 
None of us knows where we will be or what we will be doing 5 years or 10 years down the line....Heck,i ain't even sure of what i will be eating for lunch tomorrow! 
But i guess that's what philosophers call 'mystery of life' ...or some shit like that.

John Green,in one of his books (Looking For Alaska),mentioned something about a "Great Perhaps"
I like that theory.
I mean yeah,maybe we all are expecting some great possibility for ourselves.
We are uncertain of what it might be....
We are not sure if it will be good,or bad....
Or whether it will be worth the effort,or a total bust.....
But we still hang on to the balloon.....The balloon of our dreams and aspirations...

For all you out there,who like me,feel like a complete  idiot for not having a plan in life...or those who are afraid and apprehensive to take up careers and jobs,for whatever reason......
You DO NOT want to regret or question your choice later in life.
It will be way too late by then.

So just go for it!!
Go with your gut instinct!
I guess your gut is more sensible than your heart in these matters....
You know how people say 'listen to your heart?
The heart can't talk, dud heads ! (Not even if you use a stethoscope)

So,i guess,good luck with what lies ahead....

Step out into the Great Unknown and find yourself a Great Perhaps!

Till next time...Adios! :)

Sunday 12 January 2014

A Retrospect

People are not really mean
They are not all bad
If that is what most see in them,
That is just sad
People are not cruel
They  are not all insensitive
Try giving people more than just a judgemental glance
Try giving them a chance
People don't lie to hurt
Not intentionally most of the time
People are kinda clueless
That ain't such a crime
People can be hard to comprehend
In fact,you try and see
People are nothing different
Than you and me .


Sunday 1 December 2013

Just Words...

 Justice......It's overrated.

People get kidnapped,murdered,assaulted,raped.....the list goes on...and on.....

They say convicting the people responsible for the crime,brings about justice for the victims?Does it really?

Think about the dead,murdered they get their life back?
Leave alone the dead,even the victims still alive,become close to zombies.
Hardly a few recover,if ever.
And they say 'justice has been given!'

What about the cases in which no one is given any punishment as such for their deed??

The 16th December,2012 rape case in India...take that for instance...the 17 year old juvenile walks free,cause he is apparently,well,small.
He didn't consider that when he hurt the girl.He didn't consider that when he left her to die,when he raped her,when he pulled out her intestines!
Then why is he considered a minor and inflicted with the most minimum penalty imaginable??
Psychiatric help was provided to if that will make him mend his ways.

What about the oh so famous 'JACK THE RIPPER'?
He killed multiple women!Brutally!
And was never ever caught.
He himself must've died a natural death.Is that justice for all of his victims?

The Gilgo Killer.He killed around 14 people and was even involved in sex trade over around 15 years.
He was never identified.
The people he murdered,their bodily remains,yes..just remains,were found in various different parts of nassau county.
And that is just the record of the bodies that were somehow found.What about the ones which never were.

The horrible story of junko furuta...
A normal Japanese school girl.........went to school one day....never to return back home.
The story which follows of what she suffered is sick.The way she was mistreated,assaulted,raped........
One might get goosebumps reading about the case.
 The boys who kidnapped her, hung Junko from the ceiling and literally used her as a punching bag until her damaged internal organs made blood run from her mouth. The abuse had destroyed her bodily systems Then they taunted her with a candle flame, and finally doused her legs in lighter fluid and set her on fire, as punishment for trying to run away.They dropped weights on her body. They burned her with cigarettes. They stuck lit fireworks in her mouth, ears and watched them explode. They shoved still-hot light bulbs in her private organs. The boys starved her—when they weren’t forcing her to eat cockroaches and drink her own urine.
Junko soon died.The thugs who’d abducted her hid her corpse in a 55-gallon drum, filled it with concrete, and left it in an empty factory lot in Koto, a waterfront area just east of Tokyo’s center .
It was a year before the body was even found......

Arushi talwar murder case.
13 year old found murdered in her bedroom,Throat slit.The suspicion straight away fell on the servant,who himself was soon found dead.
So what was the protocol that followed?The parents would have killed both of them.
Without concrete proof or evidence.....just at face value,the parents convicted of murder of two people,one being their very own teenage daughter! Who was in fact about to turn 14 just two days after.The poor couple is almost helpless.Their sole daughter dead and defamed.And they can't do anything to  clear her name or their own as a matter of fact.

Jessica Lal murder case.
She was simply bar tending at a private celebrity event where she was shot was simply no fault as such of her own.
The witnesses ,though many,refused to testify against the probable killer out of fear.
Out of danger for their own life.Out of ,what i think to an extent,selfishness.Even people who knew her did not want to risk their own lives,as the so called killer was a man of status.

What about school shootouts?
Sandy hook elementary,Columbine high school massacre,Chardon high school shooting, Virginia Tech massacre..........These are just a few.
Kids were killed,so were teachers in every one of these shootings.
That too for no real reason.
Yes the killers were convicted....But what about the families??
The young children...who hadn't even seen the World properly yet....
They were just starting out as humans.....

 I could go on and on....

Write stories upon stories...recite incidences upon incidences...

But the most pathetic part?Even i can't do anything about it,no matter how badly i want to.

That is the worse part.
Unable to change things that HAVE to change.

People might say and write about it.....May preach about it......May put forth their regret and condolences......

But up to what good is that?

Cause after all...words are just words...even if you mean what you say.....

Saturday 23 November 2013


Nobody knows what lies ahead
Not even fortune tellers or soothsayers.
No one knows what will happen to them
Not even the powerful kings and rulers

We all are unaware and uncertain,
Of what lies in store for us.
We wonder if our lives would be good or bad...
Maybe it'll be happy?!...Hopefully not sad!

Forget tomorrow or day after..
Even the rest of today is a mystery!
The future awaits us......
Soon to become our history....

What would you choose though,
If you were indeed given a choice?
A choice between the obvious....
Oblivion or omniscience?

Till next time...adios :)