So,not a topic I have much insight on . But still.
A friend asked me what kind of guys I tend to like.
That got me thinking for a while.
'Thinking',not about the guys I have liked before but instead about why liking somebody has to have specifications.
It's funny how people have a 'type';a category consisting of people with characteristics similar to the ideal person they like.
Maybe there is nothing ideal about the 'ideal' person. Maybe that ideal person is as unideal as any person can be!
I find beauty in that thought . Perfection in imperfection.
I find beauty in that thought . Perfection in imperfection.
I personally have no specific taste in guys, Sure,I tend to fall for the occasional one sided smiles,green eyes,good sense of humour,deep voiced dudes but that's not something I go hunting for. I prefer mystery here too. I think I would rather like someone who is comfortable being who they are,no matter who that is,than being someone they aren't.
I don't have an ideal model in mind
I don't strive to be one either.
And if you'll out there want someone to like you for the way you are,you need to start acting upon that,yourself! And maybe it'll be worth it! :)
So don't go hunting for that so called 'perfect' person. 'Cause like I said- there's perfection in imperfection.
So don't go hunting for that so called 'perfect' person. 'Cause like I said- there's perfection in imperfection.
Till next time....Adios :D