It's been a while since i have posted anything.
Well better late than never,right?!
How many of you like kids?
I did.
Well you see,lately my fondness towards them has decreased,but still :P
You know the best thing about children?
It's their innocence! You know how one uses the metaphor 'bundle of joy' a lot? Well,i find kids to be fountains overflowing with innocence!! They are filled with unadulterated emotions and ideas!
I met this kid a while back. He is now 5 years old. He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3. He is a survivor! :D
He came over to my house one day. I was painting this butterfly on a piece of canvas. He looked at it with eyes filled with curiosity. He was intrigued by the patterns i was painting and the creature i was making.
He told me he liked butterflies.He told me he liked the way they flew and how pretty they looked.
I finished my painting later that day and showed it to him.I asked him to name the butterfly for me.
His reply amazed,rather,shocked me!
He said he wanted to name the butterfly 'scotch'!
I did not know how to respond for a second.My mind took a different route in comprehension on hearing the word 'scotch'.
After a while,i asked him why he had wanted to name the butterfly scotch.
His reply amazed me all the more!
He simply said -"Because then i can call it 'BUTTERSCOTCH'!"
I just smiled at him .No words i could have said would have possibly outdone the explanation he had given.
Even though he was smaller than me in age(Way smaller) he had a way of perceiving things with an ability greater than mine.
Imagine,if all of us had that innocence in us.
Their innocence...it's brilliant...too bad it does not stay.
Here's a picture of Butterscotch! :)

Till next time...Adios! :D
It's been a while since i have posted anything.
Well better late than never,right?!
How many of you like kids?
I did.
Well you see,lately my fondness towards them has decreased,but still :P
You know the best thing about children?
It's their innocence! You know how one uses the metaphor 'bundle of joy' a lot? Well,i find kids to be fountains overflowing with innocence!! They are filled with unadulterated emotions and ideas!
I met this kid a while back. He is now 5 years old. He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3. He is a survivor! :D
He came over to my house one day. I was painting this butterfly on a piece of canvas. He looked at it with eyes filled with curiosity. He was intrigued by the patterns i was painting and the creature i was making.
He told me he liked butterflies.He told me he liked the way they flew and how pretty they looked.
I finished my painting later that day and showed it to him.I asked him to name the butterfly for me.
His reply amazed,rather,shocked me!
He said he wanted to name the butterfly 'scotch'!
I did not know how to respond for a second.My mind took a different route in comprehension on hearing the word 'scotch'.
After a while,i asked him why he had wanted to name the butterfly scotch.
His reply amazed me all the more!
He simply said -"Because then i can call it 'BUTTERSCOTCH'!"
I just smiled at him .No words i could have said would have possibly outdone the explanation he had given.
Even though he was smaller than me in age(Way smaller) he had a way of perceiving things with an ability greater than mine.
Imagine,if all of us had that innocence in us.
Their innocence...it's brilliant...too bad it does not stay.
Here's a picture of Butterscotch! :)

Till next time...Adios! :D